
My name is Addie Ball, and I am currently a senior in high school, attending Hannibal high school. ... Learn More

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Class of 2024

Addie Ball

About Me

My name is Addie Ball, and I am currently a senior in high school, attending Hannibal high school. I am a part of the swim team, National Arts Honor Society, and Roh Kahpa. I am skilled in English, literature, and fine arts. In my free time I enjoy creating art, whether for shows or personal entertainment. I also enjoy writing and photography. I love to cook, play the guitar and spend time outside with my pets or my niece. I am very excited to be a part of the CEO program as it opens so many doors and provides experience that no other high school class offers. I can't wait to see where this program takes me and my classmates

Addie Ball's DISC Profile


You appreciate being thorough and complete in the analysis of all variables before making a decision.


You enjoy opportunities to motivate others.


You are consistent and predictable over the long haul, even in the midst of change.


You are a very good critical thinker in the problem-solving context.